Dr. Libera Pisano

Assoziiertes Mitglied/Graduiertenschule
Universität Hamburg
• 2010-2014 PhD studies in Theoretical Philosophy, La Sapienza University of Rome (It) Supervisors: Donatella Di Cesare, Paolo Vinci.
• 2007-2010 Master degree in Theoretical-critical Studies, La Sapienza University of Rome (It), cum laude. Supervisors: Donatella Di Cesare, Paolo Vinci.
• 2004-2007 BA Degree in Philosophy, La Sapienza University of Rome (It), cum laude. Supervisor: Donatella Di Cesare.
Current Position
• April 2020 – September 2023: Research Associate at the Cluster of Excellence “Understanding Written Artefacts” EXC2176, Center for the Study of Manuscripts Culture, University of Hamburg.
Previous Positions
• October 2019- March 2020: Teaching contract at the Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion, University of Hamburg.
• April 2018 – December 2019: Research Associate at the Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion, University of Hamburg, within the framework of the European Project (Infraia-Horizon 2020) ReIReS.
• February 2018- January 2019 Research Fellow at the DISPES, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende (CS, Italy).
• 2017-2018: Research Fellow at the Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion, University of Hamburg (De).
• 2016-2017 Junior Fellow at Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Hamburg (De).
• 2014-2015 Visiting Research Fellow at Humboldt University, Institute of Theology, Berlin (De).
• Blockseminar: „Heimat, Identität und Sprache im Jüdischen Denken des 20. Jahrhundert“. Winter semester 2020-2021, Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion, University of Hamburg.
• Blockseminar: „Die Figur des Sokrates in der Jüdischen Philosophie“. Winter semester 2019-2020, Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion, University of Hamburg.
• Blockseminar: “Sprache und Geschichte bei Walter Benjamin”. Winter semester 2019-2020, Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion, University of Hamburg.
• Hauptseminar: “Politik und Sprache im modernen Jüdischen Denken: von Buber über Rosenzweig bis hin zu Arendt”. Summer semester 2019, Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion, University of Hamburg.
• Seminar together with Prof. Guido Bartolucci: “Storia del Mediterraneo Moderno”. Topic: Jewish Diaspora in the Mediterranean World. Winter semester 2019, Dispes – Institute for Social and Political Sciences, University of Calabria.
• Workshop: The 1917 Revolution: Jewish Thinkers and Revolutionaries (Russia, Germany, USA and Palestine) “The Bavaria Soviet Republic and Landauer’s Concept of Revolution”. 27/12/2017. University of Haifa, Israel.
Research interests
- Contemporary Jewish Philosophy
- Jewish and Philosophical Anarchism
- Diaspora Studies
- Utopian Studies
- Philosophy of Religion
- Philosophy of Language
- Hermeneutics
- German Idealism
- Gender Studies
• Lo spirito manifesto. Percorsi linguistici nella filosofia hegeliana, con una prefazione di Donatella Di Cesare, ETS, Pisa 2016.
• with Giuseppe Veltri, L’ebraismo come scienza. Cultura e politica in Leopold Zunz, Paideia, Torino 2019.
Edited Books
• (forthcoming), with Cedric Cohen-Skalli, Skepsis and Antipolitics. The Alternative of Gustav Landauer, Brill, Leiden 2021.
• (forthcoming), with Micha Gottlieb, Jose Maria Sanchez de Leon Serrano, Ze’ev Strauss, Toleranz und Skepsis. Moses Mendelssohn, Salomon Maimon und die jüdische Aufklärung, Brill, Leiden 2021.
• Gustav Landauer, Esilio e Anarchia, Castelvecchi, Roma 2019.
Edited Journals
• Memoria e Vita collettiva, with C. Basili and R. Navarrete, «Lo Sguardo», vol. XIX, August 2020.
• Filosofia ebraica in Italia, with G. Bartolucci and M. Torbidoni, «Filosofia Italiana», vol. XXV, June 2020.
• Rivoluzione: un secolo dopo, with G. Amendola and G. Pisani, in «Lo Sguardo», vol. XXV, 2017.
• Performing the obscenity. Bodies, power and desire in the contemporary debate, «Azimuth. Philosophical coordinates in modern and contemporary Age», 6, 2015.
• Rhetoric and Philosophy, with M. Carassai, «Lo Sguardo», vol. XVII, 2015.
• Utopias. The Un-placed in Language and Politics, with A. Pinazzi, «Azimuth. Philosophical coordinates in modern and contemporary Age», 3, 2014.
• Vite dai filosofi. Filosofia e autobiografia, with M. Carassai and S. Guidi, «Lo Sguardo», vol. XI, 2013.
Book Chapters
• (forthcoming) The desert and the garden. Gustav Landauer’s anarchistic translation of Fritz Mauthner’s Sprachskepsis, in Skepsis and Antipolitics. The Alternative of Gustav Landauer, eds. C. Cohen-Skalli and L. Pisano, Brill, Leiden 2021.
• (forthcoming) A philological homeland. Moses Mendelssohn´s idea of tolerance as hybridity of languages, in Toleranz und Skepsis. Moses Mendelssohn, Salomon Maimon und die jüdische Aufklärung, ed. by Z. Strauss et alii, Brill, Leiden 2021.
• (forthcoming) Noli me tangere. The profaning touch that challenges the authority, in A touch of Doubt. Haptic Scepticism, ed. by R. Aumiller, De Gruyter, Berlin-New York 2020.
• Wandering across borders: the Jewish Diaspora as a Philosophy of Migration, in Europa e Futuro, ed. by L.M. Alagna, C. Corda and G. Scichilone, Palermo University Press, Palermo 2020.
• Catastrophe de l’histoire et temporalité anarchique. L’hyperbole révolutionnaire de Louis-August Blanqui, in De l’éternité à nos jours. L’hypothèse astronomique de Louis-Auguste Blanqui, ed. by L. Block-de Behar, Champion, Paris 2019.
• Lo spazio diventa tempo. Scetticismo, anarchia e messianismo in Gustav Landauer, in Teologie e Politica. Genealogie e attualità, ed. E. Stimilli, Quodlibet, Macerata 2019, pp. 161-175.
• The roots of German Philosophy: Heinrich Heine’s Reading of Martin Luther, in Kulturelle Wirkungen der Reformation. Leucorea-Studies on the history of the Reformation and Lutheran orthodoxy, eds. I. Dingel, A. Kohnle and U. Sträter, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2018, Bd. 2, pp. 249-256.
• Sémiotique magique: le passage à la voix, pour une forme radicale de performativité, in Machine, Magie, Media, eds. G. Pisano, J.-M. La Rue, F. Kessler, Psu, Villeneuve 2018, pp. 349-356.
• La diversità delle lingue nella filosofia hegeliana, in La filosofia tedesca dell’Ottocento, a cura di A. Medri, vol. 2, Limina mentis, Villasanta 2013, pp. 100-120.
• Il noi prima dell'Io. Sul linguaggio negli scritti jenesi di Hegel, in La filosofia tedesca dell’Ottocento, a cura di A. Medri, Limina mentis, Villasanta 2012, pp. 161-178.
Peer reviewed articles
• with Cedric Cohen-Skalli, Farewell to Revolution! Gustav Landauer’s Death and the Funerary Shaping of his Legacy, in «The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy», Brill 2020.
• The Disappearance of the Presence. On Heidegger’s Paths for a “Magical” Hermeneutics of Medium and Truth, in «Sens Public», May 2019.
• I limiti del linguaggio e la diversità delle lingue. Tracce di scetticismo linguistico nella filosofia di Franz Rosenzweig, in «Archivio di filosofia», 1, 2018, pp. 163-171.
• Anarchic Scepticism. Language, Mysticism and Revolution in Gustav Landauer, in «III Yearbook Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies», De Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 2018, pp. 251-272.
• Thinking beyond borders: Moses Mendelssohn and the beginning of German-Jewish Philosophy, in «Theological Quarterly», I. 2018, pp. 79-89.
• Moses Mendelssohn als Wegbereiter der Deutschen-Jüdischen Philosophie, in «Wegbereiter des interreligiösen Dialogs», eds. P. Bsteh and B. Proksh, Lit, Wien 2018, Bd. 2, pp. 143-156; a shortened version appeared in «Religionen Unterwegs», 3, 2018, pp. 23-27.
• Silence, Translation and Grammatical Therapy: Some Features of Linguistic Scepticism in Rosenzweig’s and Wittgenstein’s Thoughts, in «II Yearbook Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies», De Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 2017, pp. 121-143.
• Judentum, Entfremdung, Sprache. Der vergessene Zusammenhang zwischen Mendelssohn und Hegel, in «Judaica. Beiträge zum Verstehen des Judentums», December 2016, pp. 473-510.
• El Carnaval de los cuerpos. El desafío simbólico y político del trans-vestismo, Daimon, January 2017, pp. 719-726.
• Misunderstanding metaphors. Linguistic skepticism in Mauthner´s philosophy, in «Yearbook Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies», De Gruyter, Berlin-New York 2016, pp. 95-122.
• Nastri d’eloquenza. Sulla retorica di Vico, in «Filosofia italiana», n. 1, 2014, pp. 1-14.
• Anarchia dello spirito – spirito dell’anarchia. Su Gustav Landauer, in «Il Cannocchiale», XXXVIII, 3, Autumn 2013, pp. 163-170.
• Gustav Landauer als radikaler Denker der Gegenwart, in «Gai Dao», 9, April 2019, pp. 9-11.
• Bugia instrumentum regni. Potere della menzogna, menzogna del potere, in «Leussein», 2012, pp. 159-163.
• Attualità dell’utopia, in «Mondoperaio», vol. 2/2012, pp. 62-64.
• The Russian Revolution and Us (L. Castellina), in «Lo Sguardo», vol. XXV, 2017.
• Dalle colonie russe all’America nera … e viceversa: Lenin e Langston Hughes (M. Renault), in «Lo Sguardo», vol. XXV, 2017.
• Parahuman. Technology, Semi-sovereignty, and Bodies in the Future Perfect (K. Harrasser), in «Lo Sguardo», vol. XXIV, 2017.
• Medium e Rivoluzione, (P. Trawny), Inschibboleth, Roma 2017.
• Tra storia e ragione: Giambattista Vico e la promessa di un mito classico (A.-B. Renger), in «Filosofia italiana», 2, 2016.
• Una passività attiva? Spinoza nel Porcile di Pasolini, (M. Gragnolati, C.F.E. Holzhey), in «Lo Sguardo», vol. XIX, 2015.
• Retorica come tecnologia del sé (S. Pritsch), in «Lo Sguardo», vol. XVII, 2015.
• La presenza del sofista nella nostra epoca (B. Cassin), in «Lo Sguardo», vol. XVII, 2015.
• Concetto del soggetto e messa in scena del sé in Ecce Homo (D. Langer), in «Lo Sguardo», vol. XI, 2013.
• Il Rinascimento parla ebraico. Intervista a Giuseppe Veltri, in Filosofia ebraica in Italia, in «Filosofia italiana», vol. XXV, 2020.
• Oltre la nostalgia. Per un’etica postumana affermativa. Intervista a Rosi Braidotti, in «Lo Sguardo», vol. XV, 2014.
(Forthcoming German translation), Italian Theory, ed. by A. Lucci, E. Schomacher, J. Söffner, Merve Verlag 2019.